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Lys Hansen: Live It, Paint It

By Susan Mansfield, 25.07.2024
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Lys Hansen, image courtesy of the artist

Despite a career spanning seven decades, there’s a sense that Lys Hansen’s expressive and uncompromising body of work has still to gain the recognition it truly deserves. With a major retrospective showing in Falkirk, the artist talks to Susan Mansfield about the importance of self-education, balancing her career with family life and why she believes art is essentially a search for the truth


The 57 and New 57 Gallery: 40 years Gone

By Neil Cooper, 17.07.2024
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The New 57 Gallery image courtesy of Alexander Moffat

As Fruitmarket celebrates the 50th anniversary of its beginnings, Neil Cooper explores the crucial role artist-run gallery The New 57 played in the Edinburgh institution’s formation and its impact on the city’s artistic history


Review: Cathy Wilkes

By Greg Thomas, 08.07.2024
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Untitled, 2024, mixed media, image courtesy of Patrick Jameson and the artist

Cathy Wilkes’s extraordinary new exhibition at the Hunterian explores the psychological impact of everyday violence, writes Greg Thomas


Women in Revolt!

By Susan Mansfield, 27.06.2024
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Maud Sulter, Urania from the series Zabat, 1989 © Estate of Maud Sulter. All rights reserved. DACS, London 2023. Bequest of the Scottish Arts Council 1997. National Galleries Scotland

Susan Mansfield takes a look at some of the Scottish women artists featured in this landmark survey exhibition of feminist art curated by Scots-born Tate curator Linsey Young


Interview: DCA Director Beth Bate

By Jen McLaren, 05.06.2024
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Dundee Contemporary Arts, Museum of the Year Finalist, 2024. Image courtesy of Dundee Contemporary Arts. © Erika Stevenson

Jen McLaren meets Dundee Contemporary Arts Director Beth Bate, following the organisation’s selection as a finalist for the world’s largest museum prize; the Art Fund Museum of the Year 2024


Artist Interview: Laura Aldridge

By Neil Cooper, 30.05.2024
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Portrait of Laura Aldrige, Image courtesy of Jupiter Artland and the Artist

Laura Aldridge tactile, colourful sculptures bring joy to Jupiter Artland’s happiness-themed programme. Neil Cooper meets the artist.